Thursday, March 24, 2011

Scene 5 and 6 Summaries

In scene 5 the nurse was talking about how she is much closer to Juliet than her actual mother is. The nurse was also talking about how Juliet was the most beautiful girl she has raised. Scene 6 was when Benvolio told Romeo he has to dance at the feast. Well Romeo says he has 2 left feet meaning he can't dance. So they come to a conclusion of a masquerade pardy so no one will know its him dancing.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Scene 4 Summary

Romeo was talking to his cousin about how much he loves this girl, who is not Juliet and how he doesn't know if she loves him as much.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Scene 3 Summary

Scene 3 is about the nurse telling everyone how she raised Juliet and how great she is and how great her boyfriend is.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Scene 1 Summary

It started with two families bickering mand fighting with each other. They bit their thumbs at each other which means to us is the middle finger. They were talking about how they would kill each others maids and cut off their heads. I thought it was confusing at first but then I kept looking at the footnotes and it started to make sense.